United Collection Bureau is a debt collection agency servicing companies in the government, finance, healthcare, student loan, utilities, and communication industries. With over 50 years in business, United Collection Bureau, also known as UCB, prides itself on being a family-owned company with a nationwide presence.
What To Do if United Collection Bureau contacts you:
If United Collection Bureau is contacting you about a debt you owe or a debt they claim you owe, we recommend you speak with our experienced debt resolution staff. Tayne Law Group’s debt settlement team and skilled attorneys have previously resolved debts with UCB, and our knowledge can help resolve your debt on your behalf.
TLG can protect debtors’ rights against creditors and dispute debts UCB claims you owe. Know your rights from the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and other government
The contact information for United Collection Bureau is as follows:
United Collection Bureau, Inc.
5620 Southwyck Blvd
Toledo, OH 43614
Phone number: (866) 209-0622
Website: www.ucbinc.com
United Collection Bureau’s Reputation As Debt Collectors:
The UCB website claims their agents are compliance trained, operate with integrity, and exhibit superior customer service. However, numerous complaints can be found on the internet that UCB’s agents have tried to collect on the wrong amount, they continue to try and collect on debts that are not owed, and have improperly disclosed debts to third parties. Even if you believe you don’t owe this money, don’t ignore UCB’s calls. Instead, give Tayne Law Group a call and let our talented staff handle UCB’s collectors on your behalf.
Why Call Tayne Law Group To Help You Resolve Your Debt With United Collection Bureau?
Tayne Law Group has battled and resolved debt with UCB before. We can help discuss your rights, work with UCB to resolve your debt quickly and efficiently, and help you save money with a financial debt resolution plan that makes sense for you.
Call today for a free, no-obligation debt help consultation and see what a difference a phone call to our law firm can make. Call NOW! 1-866-890-7337