If you have a credit card, student loan, or other debt that was sent to collections, you’re probably getting lots of phone calls and messages from debt collection agencies. It’s an irritating and stressful situation. So what happens if you ignore debt collectors completely? Unfortunately, ignoring debt collectors won’t make them give up and stop […]
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Having your wages garnished can be incredibly stressful. When this happens, it means there’s a court order to have a portion of your earnings withheld to pay a debt. So if you owe a creditor and they’ve begun garnishing your wages, you’re probably wondering how to stop a wage garnishment immediately. Here’s what you need to know. […]
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It’s normal to feel overwhelmed and anxious if you’ve been ordered to pay a judgment. But know that you do have options. Understanding how to stop a judgment from being renewed could be the first step on your path to financial wellness. Here’s what steps to take if you’re trying to avoid paying a judgment […]
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