If you’re looking for financing options for your small business, you might have come across something called “credit card processing loans.” They could help you get the funds you need to keep your business functioning. But there are also some big risks you should know about before borrowing any money. So before you agree to […]
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If you were recently in over your head with debt, you may have negotiated a debt settlement with your creditors. That likely provided much-needed financial relief. But now, you might be wondering how that settlement affected your credit score — and how long it will stay on your credit report. Here’s what you need to […]
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Dealing with thousands of dollars in debt can feel like a hopeless situation. Fortunately, several options are available to help you get it under control, including bankruptcy. However, filing for bankruptcy isn’t a quick fix for your debt problems. Therefore, it’s essential to understand the pros and cons of bankruptcy so you can make an […]
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