Credit cards charge some of the highest interest rates, so staying on top of your debt can be challenging. If you’ve fallen behind on your credit card payments, your debt may have been sold to a collections agency. A collections agency is a third-party company that gets paid by another company to collect debt or […]
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When a credit card company or debt collector sues you, it can be a daunting and stressful experience. With the rise in consumer debt and economic uncertainties, more individuals find themselves grappling with the reality of legal action over unpaid credit card balances. Whether it stems from financial hardship, oversight, or misunderstanding, the implications of […]
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Wage garnishment is a powerful tool creditors, including credit card companies, use to collect unpaid debts. It involves a legal process where your employer withholds a portion of your earnings to satisfy the debt. This process can cause significant financial strain and stress. Even so, it’s important not to panic or ignore the situation — […]
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