Paying off a loan or credit card balance is a big accomplishment. But you might not feel like celebrating if you check your credit score, only to find that it’s dropped after knocking out that debt. After all, your creditors want to be paid back, so why would you be penalized? Before you get too […]
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In today’s world, most of us are bogged down by student loan debt. In fact, the average American has over $39,000 worth of student loan debt in 2021, according to data from the Education Data Initiative. However, while paying off that amount of debt can be hard, the consequences of not paying it can be […]
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If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by your debts recently, you may find yourself wondering, “How does debt relief work?” While, truthfully, every debt relief program is a bit different, they all tend to follow the same general process in helping you to settle your debts. In light of that, we’ve created a guide to this […]
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