If you have a past-due debt in collections, it can be nerve-wracking to deal with debt collectors. Especially if you aren’t sure what your rights are. Fortunately, there are debt collection laws in place to protect you from unscrupulous practices. A big one is the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Read on to learn […]
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If you took out a merchant cash advance (MCA) or other form of business financing, you might have a UCC lien on your business credit reports. UCC liens are common. However, they can present some challenges for business owners, especially when it comes to borrowing money in the future. A UCC lien can also cause […]
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UCC filings are common practice, especially among small business lenders and merchant cash advance providers. This document establishes a lender’s legal interest in collateral used to secure a business loan. A UCC lien can help your business qualify for financing, but it can present some challenges, too. So, it’s important to know how to remove a UCC […]
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