When managing credit card debt, many people worry about the potential consequences of unpaid balances. One of the most severe actions a credit card company can take is placing a lien on your property — a situation that has many negative consequences and challenges. Read on to learn how a credit card company can put […]
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If you’re struggling with credit card debt payments, medical bills, personal loans, or other types of debt, a debt settlement process could solve your financial burden. When done right, debt settlement has many benefits. If done wrong, you could face challenges to your credit report and finances. You could find yourself with a judgment or lien placed […]
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Being served with a credit card debt lawsuit can be scary and stressful. However, responding to the lawsuit is important so you can avoid even greater financial challenges. Of course, you may not know how to respond to court summons for credit card debt. Read on to learn what happens when a creditor sues you and […]
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